Mindfulness benefits
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Mindfulness and Mindfulness in the Workplace benefits
In recent years, there has been an explosion of interest in mindfulness and emotional intelligence tools and strategies with widespread media coverage, bestselling books and a remarkable uptake of online resources.
Practising mindfulness in the workplace can boost productivity, reduce absenteeism and enhance work performance so it offers a good return on investment.
Numerous studies also suggest that mindfulness makes a big difference to our ability to concentrate and resilience levels.
Mindfulness can help you to reduce anxiety, stress, work-related stress, depression, back pain and insomnia.
It can also help and teach you how to:
- improve your reaction times at home and at work
- rebalance your nervous system
- develop healthier sleeping patterns
- regulate your emotions and moods
- beat high blood pressure head aches and panic attacks
- overcome exhaustion, procrastination and low-self esteem
- achieve greater success levels in work and relationships
- reclaim your capacity for fun, humour, excitement and joy
Even more good news, Mindfulness and emotional intelligence strategies and tools can really help you to overcome stress, burn out and to develop new/improved business skills too such as:
- Improved work performance and targets
- Wiser Decision making
- Resilience
- Patience
- Mental Focus
- Improved People and Social skills
- Creativity
- Skilful Communication
- Embodied Leadership
- Confidence
- Empathy and compassion
- General well-being
- Ability to perform better under pressure
Research indicates that those of us who practice mindfulness regularly are calmer, happier, more contented and less prone to psychological distress.
Another benefit of mindfulness is that it enhances memory retention and an increase in mental and physical stamina.
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